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How to Generate E-way bill through SMS by transporter

Generation of E-way bill through sms by transporter 

Even transporter can create/generate through sms for the transportation of goods. Most of the tranporter have to transport for more than one person. And individual suppliers don’t have the obligation or need to generate e-way bill. But the goods in the carriage of transporter exceeds the limit together. So the government also take into the consideration for the transporter. Following are procedure for generating e-way bill through sms for tranporter :

Format of the message or Sms:

EWBT TranType SuppGSTIN RecGSTIN DelPinCode InvNo InvDate TotalValue HSNCode ApprDist Vehicle

There is a space between every parameter to distinguish between two parameters.

Explanation of parameters:

EWBT         – E-WayBill Generate Key Word – It is fixed for generation
TranType     – Transaction Type – Refer to the Codelist
SuppGSTIN – Supplier’s GSTIN or URP for ‘UnRegistered Person’
RecGSTIN   – Recipient’s GSTIN or URP for ‘UnRegistered Person’
DelPinCode – PIN Code of Place of Delivery of Goods
InvNo           – Invoice or Bill Number of the document of supplier of goods
InvDate        – Invoice or Bill Date of the document of supplier of goods
TotalValue    – Total Value of goods as per Invoice/Bill document in Rs.
HSNCode    – HSN Code of the first Commodity
ApprDist      – Approximate distance in KMs between consignor and consignee
Vehicle        – Vehicle Number in which the goods is being moved    

Parameters description with  codes:







E-Way Bill Generate





Type of the Transaction.


Codes for Transaction Types

OSUP – Outward Supply,

OEXP – Outward Export,

OJOB – Outward Job Work,

OSCD – Outward SKD/CKD,

ORNK – Outward Recipient Not Known,

OFOU – Outward For Own Use,

OEOF – Outward Exhibitions & Fairs,

OLNS – Outward Line Sales,

OOTH – Outward Others

ISUP – Inward Supply,

IIMP – Inward Import,

ISCD – Inward SKD/CKD,

IJWR – Inward Job Work Returns,

ISLR – Inward Sales Returns,

IEOF – Inward Exhibitions & Fairs ,

 IOTH – Inward Others




Recipient’s GSTIN, as provided by GST or URP if he/she is UnRegistered Person

15 digit GSTIN or URP




Supplier’s GSTIN, as provided by GST or URP if he / she is Un Registered Person


15 digit GSTIN or URP





PIN Code of the Place of Delivery of the Goods as per Invoice

Fixed 6 digit




Invoice or Bill Number of the Document of the goods

15 digit alphanumeric with allowed special char /-





Invoice or Bill Date ofthe

Document of the goods

Date in DD/MM/YYYY format




Total Invoice / Bill Value of the Goods

15 numeric value with 2 decimal




HSN Code of the Goods

Atleat 2 digit of HSN Code




Approximate Distance in KMs






Vehicle Number which will carry the goods

AB12AB1234 or AB12A1234 or

AB121234 or ABC1234 Format



Example 1:

Message: EWBT OSUP 29AXYCX0892K1ZK 29AABCX0892K1ZK 560012 546 10/09/201775000.00 1001 234 KA12AB1234

SMS to : 97319 79899

Explanation : This request is to generate the E-Way Bill for outward Supply of goods, with HSN 1001, to recipient with GSTIN 29AABCX0892K1ZK, carrying Invoice/Bill No 546 dated: 10/09/2017 of value Rs 75000.00 to deliver at pin code 560012 through vehicle KA12AB1234 and distance of 234 KMs

Reply Message : Eway bill generated successfully. E-Way Bill No: 171000002144 and date is 12/09/2017

Example 2: 

Message : EWBT OEXP 29AXYCX0892K1ZK URP 560012 A1246 16/09/2017 59000.00 1001
120 MH01XY1233

SMS to : 97319 79899

Explanation : This request is to generate the E-Way Bill for export of goods, with HSN 1001, to recipient with GSTIN URP (UnRegistered Person), carrying Invoice/Bill No A1246 dtd: 16/09/2017 of value Rs 59000.00 to deliver at pin code 560012 through MH01XY1233 distance of 120 KMs

Reply Message : Eway bill generated successfully. E-Way Bill No: 1810000120234 and date is 16/09/2017

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