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Two major reforms for reduction in Physical Interface and enhancing Ease of Doing Business

Two major reforms for the reduction in Physical Interface and enhancing Ease of Doing Business

• Electronic Transmission of Out of Charge copy of Bill of Entry (eOOC)

• Electronic Transmission of E-Gate pass (eGatepass)

*This presentation is only for training purposes – For details please refer to CBIC Circular No. 19/2020-Cus dated 13.04.2020 and ICES advisory communicated vide ACC Import, Delhi Public Notice No. 26/2020

Comparison of Business Process Before and After

Old Process

• Electronic OoC message is conveyed to the custodian as OoC is granted by Customs

• Custodian prepares its gate pass based on E-message from Customs and releases the shipment

• Importer/CB needed the final print of Bill of Entry (BoE) for their records either during the release of shipment or after its release as per their convenience

• Accordingly, the Importer/CB has to come physically to the service centre located at the Import Shed of ACC Import to take the print out of final copy

New Process

• Electronic OoC message is conveyed to the custodian as OoC is granted by Customs (No change in the process)

• Custodian prepares its gate pass based on E-message from Customs and releases the shipment (No change in the process)

• As soon as the OoC is granted, an Electronic copy of the Out of Charge copy of BoE (eOoC) and E-gate pass (eGatepass) (different from the custodian gate pass) is transmitted to the Importer/CB for their records

• Now the Importer/CB need not physically come to the service centre located at Import Shed for taking the print out of final copy

• Impact is the reduction in the physical interface, paperless processing and enhancing of ease of doing business

E-gate pass

  • In rarest of rare cases, the OoC message does not get transmitted to the custodian due to system issues
  • In such cases, the Custodian will now not insist on producing the hard copy of Bill of Entry by the Importer/CB
  • Importer/CB in such cases can produce the E- gate pass and Custodian can verify it by using ICE TRACK Mobile App and thereafter Custodian can generate Gate pass and release the shipment

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Two major reforms for reduction in Physical Interface and enhancing Ease of Doing Business


• Reduction in Physical interface – CBs need not come to the service centre for Printouts of OOC copy of Bill of Entry

• Paperless processing

• Reduction in dwell time and transaction cost – Simplification of procedures, Faceless interface

• Enhanced security features

• Promotes Digitization

• Authenticity of the document verifiable by scanning QR code

• Key details – BoE No./date, duty, package details, document version visible on QR scan

• Promotes Social Distancing in times of COVID-19 – No need for CBs to stand in queues at Service Centre

• Promotes Green Customs


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