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FAQs on E-way bill related to login

FAQs on E-way bill related to login

Q Whenever, I am trying to login the system says ‘Invalid Login…Please check your username and password’. How should I resolve this issue?

This is indicating that you are trying to login to the e-way bill system with incorrect username and password. Please check the username and password being used to login to the system. If you have forgotten the username or password, then please use the ‘Forgot Username’ or ‘Forgot Password’ facility. Provided on the portal to recollect your username or create new password accordingly.


Q Whenever, I am trying to login the system says ‘Your account has been frozen’. How should I resolve this issue?

This is indicating that your account has been frozen. Because you might have cancelled your registration or your GSTIN has been de-activated in the GST Common Portal. Please visit the GST Common Portal ( to find the status of your GSTIN under ‘Search Taxpayer’ tab. In case you are able to log in on GST portal but not log on e-Way Bill portal. Please lodge your grievance at


Q Whenever, I am trying to login the system says ‘your account has been blocked…Pl try after 5 minutes. How should I resolve this issue?

This is indicating that you had tried to login to the e-way bill system with incorrect username and password for more than 5 times. Hence, the system has blocked your account for security reasons and it will  be unblocked  after 5 minutes.


Q What should I do, if I do not remember my username and password?

If you have forgotten the username or password. Then use the   ‘Forgot Username’ or ‘Forgot Password’ facility provided on the portal. To recollect your username or create new password accordingly. The user needs to enter some details after authenticating the same via an OTP. Then, user will be provided with the username and password.

Profile photo of Neeraj Kumar Rohila Neeraj Kumar Rohila

Learn what you can, nothing is useless.

New Delhi, India

A Learner, who wants to learn from the experience.

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