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Summary of Key Findings And Recommendations In The CAG’s Performance Audit Report On Income Tax Search And Seizure Assessments

Table of Contents Summary of Key Findings And Recommendations In The CAG’s Performance Audit Report On Income Tax Search And Seizure Assessments (Report No.14 of 2020)Overview:-Performance Audit conducted by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India:-Key observations of the Performance Audit Report on Income Tax

Deemed Duty Drawback under GST

Table of Contents Deemed Duty Drawback under GST1. Deemed Exports2. Essential conditions of Deemed Exports3. Documents Required for Claiming Refund on Exports4. What is Duty Drawback?5. Duty Drawback Scheme6. Duty Drawback under GST7. Conclusion Deemed Duty Drawback under GST It is a pleasure to send

Circular No. 142/12/2020- GST

Circular No. 142/12/2020- GST To The Pr. Chief Commissioners / Chief Commissioners / Principal Commissioners / Commissioners of Central Tax (All), The Principal Director Generals / Director Generals (All) Madam / Sir, Subject: Clarification relating to the application of sub-rule (4) of rule 36 of

