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Supreme Court in the case of Bunga Daniel Babu Versus M/s Sri Vasudeva Constructions

Case Covered:

Bunga Daniel Babu


M/s Sri Vasudeva Constructions

Facts of the Case:

The assail in the present appeal, by special leave, is to the judgement and order passed by the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, New Delhi (for short “the National Commission”) in Revision Petition No. 258 of 2013 whereby the said Commission has approved the decision of the State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Hyderabad which had reversed the view of the District Consumer Forum that the complainant is a “consumer” within the definition under Section 2(1)(d) of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 (for brevity, “the Act”) as the agreement of the appellant with the respondents was not a joint venture. The District Forum had arrived at the said decision on the basis of legal principles stated in Faqir Chand Gulati v. Uppal Agencies Pvt. Ltd. and anr.1. The State Commission had opined that the claim of the appellant was not adjudicable as the complaint could not be entertained under the Act inasmuch as the parties had entered into an agreement for the construction and sharing flats which had the colour of commercial purpose. Thus, the eventual conclusion that the State Commission reached was that the complainant was not a consumer under the Act. The said conclusion has been given the stamp of affirmance by the National Commission.


It is worthy to note that in the said case a stand was taken by the respondent that the agreement was a ‘collaboration agreement’ as it was so titled. Emphasis was laid on the fact that the agreement showed the intention to collaborate and, therefore, it was a joint venture. The Court ruled that the title or caption or nomenclature of the instrument/document is not determinative of the nature and character of the instrument/document, though the name usually gives some indication of the nature of the document and, therefore, the use of the words ‘joint venture’ or ‘collaboration’ in the title of an agreement or even in the body of the agreement will not make the transaction a joint venture if there are no provisions for shared control of interest or enterprise and shared liability for losses. After so stating, the Court proceeded to observe that if there is a breach by the landowner of his obligations, the builder will have to approach a civil court as the landowner is not providing any service to the builder but merely undertakes certain obligations towards the builder, breach of which would furnish a cause of action for specific performance and/or damages. It has also been stated therein that while the builder commits a breach of his obligations, the owner has two options; he has the right to enforce specific performance and/or claim damages by approaching civil court or can approach consumer forum under the Act.

The Decision of the Court:

As the impugned orders will show, the District Forum had allowed the claim of the appellant. The State Commission had dismissed the appeal holding that the claim of the appellant was not entertainable under the Act, he being not a consumer and the said order has been given the stamp of approval by the National Commission. Therefore, there has to be appropriate adjudication with regard to all the aspects except the status of the appellant as a consumer by the appellate authority. Consequently, the appeal is allowed, the judgments and orders passed by the National Commission and the State Commission are set aside and the matter is remitted to the State Commission to re-adjudicate the matter treating the appellant as a consumer. We hereby make it clear that we have not expressed any opinion on the merits of the case. In the facts and circumstances of the case, there shall be no order as to costs.

Read & Download the full Decision in pdf:

Supreme Court in the case of Bunga Daniel Babu Versus M/s Sri Vasudeva Constructions

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