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DRI seized 83.352 MT of Areca Nuts

The Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) recently made a significant breakthrough in its ongoing efforts to combat smuggling activities targeting India’s domestic industries. In a meticulous operation, DRI officials seized a substantial cache of Areca Nuts that were being smuggled into the country using a novel method of concealment. The smugglers attempted to evade detection by mis-declaring the cargo as “Base Oil” in import documents.

The seizure, valued at Rs. 5.71 Crore, marks yet another instance of illicit activities aimed at circumventing import regulations and tariffs imposed to safeguard domestic industries. Areca Nuts, known for their high tariff value and duty structure of 110%, have become a lucrative target for unscrupulous importers seeking to exploit regulatory loopholes.

Acting on specific intelligence, DRI officers at the Ahmedabad Zonal Unit intercepted a consignment at Mundra Port originating from the UAE. Suspecting mis-declared cargo, the officers conducted a thorough examination of the containers. What they uncovered was a meticulously orchestrated attempt to conceal Areca Nuts within drums labeled as containing “Base Oil.”

Of the 738 drums examined, 658 were found to contain Areca nuts in split form, while the remaining drums purportedly held the declared Base Oil. This sophisticated modus operandi aimed to deceive customs authorities and avoid detection during the import process.

Further investigation revealed that the importer listed on the documents was non-existent at the premises declared in the Importer Exporter Code (IEC), adding another layer of deception to the operation. The discovery underscores the challenges faced by enforcement agencies in combating increasingly sophisticated smuggling networks.

The seizure, made under the provisions of the Customs Act, 1962, highlights the DRI’s unwavering commitment to thwarting illicit activities and protecting the interests of domestic industries. Despite the evolving tactics employed by smugglers, the DRI remains vigilant in its pursuit of those seeking to undermine the country’s regulatory framework.

This latest operation is a testament to the DRI’s effectiveness in disrupting illegal smuggling operations and sending a strong message to would-be offenders. The ongoing investigation aims to uncover additional details and individuals involved in the smuggling network, ensuring accountability and deterrence against future illicit activities.

In conclusion, the DRI’s successful interception of the smuggled Areca Nuts concealed as Base Oil serves as a reminder of the agency’s vital role in safeguarding India’s economic interests and upholding regulatory integrity in trade practices. As smuggling tactics evolve, the DRI remains steadfast in its mission to uphold the rule of law and protect the nation’s economic sovereignty.


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