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All QuestionsCategory: GST ConsultancyRegarding indirect expense and fixed assets
Profile photo of Alam KhanAlam Khan asked 7 years ago

Regarding indirect expense and fixed assets

Dear Madam/ sir

I would like to know that indirect expense of GST / non-gst Goods and services like diesel for generator or services of AMC and telephone bill would be shown in gstr3b for both below 5000/- limit or above 5000/-?

Plz suggest
Thanking you

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1 Answers
Profile photo of Sakshi VirmaniSakshi Virmani answered 4 years ago

All expenses related to eligible supplies are to be shown in GSTR 3B. If query is related to limit under section 9(4) of Rs 5000 then it was done away from 13.10.2017 vide n/n 38/2017. Meaning thereby no RCM to be paid on purchases from unregistered suppliers except notified.