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About consultease

The consulting services market place

Consultease is India’s first market place for services. This platform is built to create an interaction between the consultant and the businesses seeking their help. We are taking care of the needs of businesses. It is really hard to find a good consultant who actually has knowledge.

Find the best consultant for your requirements:

We provide a listing of all consultants having experience of their niche. Here they also share their knowledge base. You can go through the write-ups shared by consultants. It will give you a brief idea of the depth of their practical knowledge.

Ask your queries:

You can also ask your questions. Then those questions are forwarded to various consultants and they answer it. This process builds the trust and faith between the user and consultant. You can also get your tasks done by the same consultant.

Knowledge Sharing:

Here we have a blog section. Various consultants share their knowledge time to time. Many of them share the presentations and PDF like free E- books, which are useful for the users.

Courses for learning:

We understand the power of learning and that led us to create the courses module on our website. This module has courses on various professional subjects. We have floated the courses for practical users in practice or in Industry. These courses help in increasing the learning curve and a boost in career. We have our on dashboard for various recorded courses. You can access these courses from any place in India. Courses on consultease have some unique features. You can ask your query while watching a video. Various resources, PDF, case laws, presentations and practical issues are uploaded on the dashboard of video itself. You can access the anytime.

Schedule a meeting:

This is another feature on our portal. You will be able to schedule a meeting with a consultant via this feature. You need to see their availability and then you can book a meeting.