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MCA – In case of Two DIN

MCA – In case of Two DIN

While surrendering a DIN, a message from MCA surface with the following instruction. A DIN is to be surrendered in case of two DIN. If the person has two DIN in his name, he has to surrender one of his DIN.

Only oldest DIN (approved status) is allowed to be retained. All associations existing with surrendering DIN shall be transferred to retained DIN once the form is approved

So oldest DIN shall only continue and newest one has to be surrender. However the retained DIN i.e the old one shall carry the information related to both the DIN.

A suggestive affidavit for the surrender of the DIN.


1. I____, son of_____ born on ____, Resident of _____, City : ___, Pin Code : ___, State: ____, (India) hereby confirm and verify that the particulars mentioned below are true and correct and also in agreement with the documents being attached to the application and I am solely responsible for its accuracy.

2. I have been allotted two Director Identification Numbers (DIN) by mistake

The numbers are:
DIN No: ____
DIN No: ____

I hereby apply for cancellation of the DIN No. : ….. on the ground: –

The DIN has been applied and allotted by mistake and unintentionally.

(As applicable )
The DIN No. ….. has been inoperative from the date of allotment.


The Said number has not been used before Ministry of Corporate Affairs and/or any other authority


and also I am not holding the Directorship with any company.

I shall hereby undertake and indemnify in writing to indemnify any person for any losses that may arise pursuant to the cancellation of above DIN.

Signature of Deponent

CA Amresh Vashisht Meerut
For updates 9837515432

Profile photo of CA Amresh Vashisht CA Amresh Vashisht

Meerut, India

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