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Deactivation of DIN

Deactivation of DIN

The process of the Deactivation of DIN will be initiated from 16th September to 17th September. The Government of India has issued the Form DIR-3KYC for the verification of the directors holding DIN. In this form, all the Directors has to file the details and to be submitted till 31st August 2018. The form was not available at the portal for the long period of time. So, the Government extended the date of filling from 31st August 2018 to 15th September 2018.

Deactivation of DIN

The form DIR-3 KYC was issued to verify all the directors holding the DIN. The major reason for this step is to cancel all the directors who hold the DIN in fraud or for the wrong purpose. The DIN provide the person to give authority to become a director in a company. But still, the lot of the directors fail to comply with the form DIR-3 KYC till the extended date 15th September 2018. 

Almost 21 Lakh DIN holders failed to file the form DIR-3 KYC. The MCA has started the process of Deactivation of DIN of the directors who failed to file DIR-3 KYC. The process will be initiated from 16th September to 17th September. During the period of the Deactivation of DIN, the form DIR-3 KYC will not be filed. But, these directors can reactivate the DIN by filing the form with the late fees of 5,000. After filing the form, the DIN will be reactivated after a time.

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Faridabad, India

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