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All QuestionsCategory: GST ConsultancyITC Reversal for Capital Goods
Profile photo of Ashish NeelAshish Neel asked 5 years ago

ITC Reversal for Capital Goods

ITC Reversal for Capital Goods

I am having two Proprietorship business registered on One GSTIN. One is Transport Services(Exempted) for e-way bill purpose and second one is Job Work Services(Taxable) providing to Automobile Companies. I have purchased Trucks for Transport Services in July 2018 and taken ITC of the same and used for set-offing gst liabilities of job work services.
am I eligible for the same or I have to reverse it?
there is 50% ITC remaining in my Credit Ledger. Can I reverse the same in one go?

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2 Answers
Profile photo of Akash DixitAdvocate Akash Dixit answered 5 years ago

If Input tax claim on capital Goods and which is used in wholly Exempted Supply than ITC should be reverse with interest.

Profile photo of CA. SINGHI RAKESHCA. SINGHI RAKESH answered 5 years ago

you have to reverse ITC in proportion to the exempt supply in one go for earlier period.