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GST Valuation rules released by GSTIN

GST Valuation rules  released

GST Valuation rules are released. These rules contains the provisions for determination of value of a supply in various scenarios.

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The major provisions covered in GST valuation rules are:

  1. Valueof supply of goods or services where the consideration is not wholly in money
  2. Value of supply of goods or services or both between distinct or related persons, other than through an agent
  3. Valueofsupply of goods made or received through an agent
  4. Value of supply of goods or services or both based on cost
  5. Residual method for determination of value of supply of goods or services or both
  6. Determination of value in respect of certain supplies
  7. Value of supply of services in case of pure agent
  8. Rate of exchange of currency, other than Indian rupees, for determination of value


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