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How to kill Fatigue and focus on work?

We all suffer from fatigue. But it’s easy to handle. A lot of work to do and a thousand things to manage. It results in a layer of laziness on our brain. It kills energy. Let us discuss how to kill fatigue?

What is fatigue?

We have a lot to do but at times we feel like doing nothing. Not because we are physically tired. But we feel metal tiredness. As our mind is full of objects and can’t handle it anymore. It feels like a complete loss of energy and hope. But that is common. Almost everyone has that feeling now and then. So how to handle this situation? Although it is simple and common if it persists it can grow into depression. In the long run, it may result in deep depression leading the suicidal behavior. We will discuss how to kill fatigue instantly?

Here we have compiled 5 small but useful way-outs to handle it instantly.

Rearrange the things around you

It can fill you with new energy. Rearrange the things around you. Position of your bed or table. A small shift can fill you with fresh energy. You can add some plants in your balcony. A small task like cleaning your kitchen slab or adding some boxes to the cupboard can do wonders. 

Buy a small utility article

Fatigue may also arise from a feeling of not doing what is good for you. We get motivated when we watch good things. Like taking care of our health, increasing our appearance, or writing a new book. But then it had to manage a routine. That feeling of not doing it start killing our motivation. Buying a new accessory can give support. e.g we need to drink water every day but we regret every evening for not drinking enough. You can buy a bottle and fix a target of say 5 bottles. It can help you in achieving your targets. That feeling of accomplishment can fill you with energy.

Talk to a friend

It is good to share the stress. But don’t choose a negative mind. You can end up hours of chitchat and that can even increase that feeling. Instead, talk to a friend with ideas and new things in mind. Avoid political and personal discussions.

Talk you yourself

Don’t feel comfortable sharing the thoughts with others? you can simply talk to yourself. Find a corner to sit alone. Then ask yourself, what’s bothering you? and share your thoughts openly without any fear. It’s you only. You can be 100% honest. It will also crease out your mind and let it focus o work.

write it down

If you find it hard to get that space, you can simply write it down. Write it in detail. No need to maintain a journal or diary. you can write it on a page or on a Google doc. Share your thoughts with the almighty. It will help you to connect with freshness. You will cross that rived of sadness. 

Watch the video on How to kill Fatigue?

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