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Availment of ITC Credit For The Month of June, 2021

Rule 36(4) restricts the availment of input tax credit beyond 5% of the ITC reflected in Form GSTR 2A/2B. However, as per Notification No. 13/2021-CT dated 1st May 2021 as amended by Notification No: 27/2021 dated 01/06/2021the said restriction will not apply in individual months of April & May 2021 but will apply cumulatively for the period April & May 2021 and the return in FORM GSTR-3B for the month of June 2021 is to be furnished with the cumulative adjustment of input tax credit for those months.

For the month of April-21 and May-2021 and June-2021 the GSTR-2B was generated on 29/05/2021 and 29/06/2021 and 14/07/2021 respectively and is available for download from the GSTN portal.

Illustration for the availment of ITC for June-2021 as per the said legal provisions.

Return GSTR-2B As Per 3B/Books Situation I As Per 3B/Books Situation II As Per 3B/Books Situation III Rule 36 (4)
Apr-21 100 125 90 95 Not Applicable
May-21 100 125 80 90 Not Applicable
Already availed 200 250 170 185  
Jun-21 100 125 105 110 Not Applicable
Total 300 375 275 295 Cumulative application
Cumulative GSTR-2B 300 300 300 300
Cumulative GSTR-3B 375 275 295
Cumulative Difference 75 -25 -5
Cumulative Difference Diff more than 5% Diff more than 5% Diff. Less 5%
Eligible amount Maximum (  2B or Book X1.05) 300 288.75 309.75
As per Book 375 275 295
Already availed 250 170 185
Balance as per Book 125 105 110
Maximum Amount to be availed in June 3B 50 118.75 124.75
The actual amount to be availed whichever is less Book or 1.05% 50 105 110


Please Note:

GSTN system the ITC for the Month of June 2021 as per the system generated GSTR3B if the amount is entered more than Maximum amount is entered alert in the red font will appear. In the above maximum eligibility, the GSTN System bas eligibility of ITC as per Section 16 and 17(5) has not been considered.

Don’t follow the System generated ITC, it is only a facilitation measure.

A taxable person has to ensure that his ailment of ITC reported in GSTR-3B is as per legal provisions of GST Act/Rules governing availment of ITC.

For those who wish to avail as per the legal provisions after due verification, the calculation is as under:

Sl. No Details As per Books of Amount As per GSTN System & Remarks
1 Eligible amount as per details uploaded in GSTR-2A/2B during 2020-21 but not availed in 2021-22 (QTR-1) –A 250 0


(System will populate the return filed during the Q1 only)
2 Eligible amount as per details uploaded in GSTR-2A/2B during in 2021-22 (QTR-1) (B) 1000 1200


The system will populate the return filed during the Q1 only and does not verify the eligibility)
3 Total eligible for 2021-22-Q1 (C) 1250 1200
4 ITC availed during April 21 and May 21 as per GSTR-3B (D) 800 800
5 Balance to be availed.

in June-21 –(E=C-D)

450 400


In the above situation, as you are availing credit only as per the legal provisions, you can ignore the alert, if any is indicated.

Availment of ITC Credit For The Month of June, 2021



Profile photo of B. Venakteswaran B. Venakteswaran

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