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Step by step guide on Haryana VAT/CST registration online

Here we will discuss the step by step guide to register under Haryana VAT

Before starting your registration under Haryana VAT compile the following details so that you won’t have to rush to files again and again.

  1. Soft Copy of all documents required to be submitted online in PDF. (See here the list of documents)
  2. Your Digital Signature
  3. Your bank details. ( will be filled in application)
  4. Details of business.Like date of incorporation, PAN of entity
  5. Details of business owners.(in case pf partnership firm: partners, in case of company: personal details of Directors)
  6. Profit sharing ratio
  7. Address of business premise
  8. Address of business owners.

Step-1: Create a temperory registration on the website of Haryana Vat: Copy and paste this URL in your brouser. and click on new user registration as highlighted in image below.



You will see this new form to get registered.Fill in your details and get registered here.


You will need to use it for entire registration process so it is advisable to click on remember password and also save it in your bookmarks.(Optional)

Step:2 Now you need to download the offline utility to fille the form and generate xml file to be uploaded on website.On the same url you will find the option to download the offline utility.See image and click on the download utility option as highlighted in image.


Once you will click on this option a Zip file will be downloaded. Extract the zip file on the location you want to keep it.This folder will have four files as shown in image below.


Now click on set up and run file.In case you face any problem.Go to the help folder and there you will find the latest Java version required to open the utility. Go to help folder and run the file as highlighted in image below.Latest Java version is crucial to run this file. Once you run the Java restart your computer.


Now your utility is ready to use. Click on the java file in same folder name as HETD_e_Registration_Utility.jar and your utility will open like this.(keep patience it will take some time.)


Now choose the category under which you want to get register.


A form for detailed registration will open. Now fill this form and validate the each page.


You need to fill all details including the personal details of owner , PAN details, bank account details. You can verify this form via digital signature if you have one. If you don’t have digital signature then you will have to take print of this form and sign it and file the hard copy in Haryana vat department.

Step:3 Validate each page and generate xml file.In case of any error it will populate the list of errors. Make corrections as per the error list and validate again.When your all errors will be removed it will show you a message on validation that page is successfully validated.(see image)

hvat13 copy


Check all annexure in same way till they are successfully validated.Now click on generate xml.An xml fille will be generated.

Step:4  Now go to the website of Haryana VAT and login.Select the VAT & CST and click on proceed.


Now click on upload xml and click on choose file.Here choose the xml generated by you and upload.Now click on proceed.When you will go to main it will show you list of tasks with marked them as submitted or pending.


Step:5 Upload documents: Web portal gives you option to upload all your documents online. You can easily find the documents you need to upload by click on upload documents. See image

Hvat18 copy


Once you will choose whose documents you want to upload it will populate a list of documents for each.(like in case of partnership it will ask for documents of each partner and partnership, in case of company it will ask for documents of each director and company itself.You need to select one by one and upload.)


Once you upload all of the can sign it online by your digital signature.After uploading all documents and attaching your digital signature. Click on proceed.

Step 6: Make payment of fees for registration under Haryana VAT: Once you file all documents its time to make payment of fees. Click on payment and choose the registration for which payment is required. Haryana VAT website provide you facility to make payment online. In case you want to make online payment choose it and click on proceed.

Haryana Vatoline payment

After successful payment of fees it is time to finally submit your application. Click on submit application. When you will click on submit application it will populate all details like the list of documents you have uploaded and fees you have paid.

You can track your application online. To track it login on HVAT website and on homepage click on track application and enter application number. It will show you the status of your application online.







Profile photo of CA Shafaly Girdharwal CA Shafaly Girdharwal


New Delhi, India

CA Shaifaly Girdharwal is a GST consultant, Author, Trainer and a famous You tuber. She has taken many seminars on various topics of GST. She is Partner at Ashu Dalmia & Associates and heading the Indirect Tax department. She has authored a book on GST published by Taxmann.

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