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Application of IEC simplified and auto-generated

Application of IEC simplified and auto-generated

DGFT revises FTP para 2.05 and HBP para 2.08 with regards to IEC and modification of IEC vide notification no. 24 DT. 08.08.2018 and public notice no. 27 DT. 08.08.2018

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Application of IEC

As per the amendments,

A. Only those service exporters who wish to take chapter 3 benefits under FTP are required to take IEC.

B. The procedure of IEC online has been moved from FTP para 2.05 to HBP para 2.08

3. IEC will now be issued by system auto-generated and applicant will be informed through e-mail and SMS. The applicant can also view and print E-IEC from IEC module on DGFT website.

4. The requirement of the digital signature is also done away with for application of IEC /modification of IEC.
The old IEC module is closed from 5 pm on 8th Aug. And new IEC module will be active from 9th Aug 2018 – 11 am.

Thanks & Regards,
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Profile photo of CA Amresh Vashisht CA Amresh Vashisht

Meerut, India

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