Unique Document Identification Number UDIN by ICAI
Unique Document Identification Number UDIN by ICAI
It has been noticed that financial statements and documents were being certified/ attested by third persons, in lieu of Chartered Accountants. As these statements are being relied upon by the authorities as true statements and certificates, It is a system where CA certificate/audit report can be verified by user on line. This will curb fake certification/attestation.
Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN) is a unique number, which will be generated by the system for every document certified/ attested by a Chartered Accountant and registered with the UDIN portal available at https://udin.icai.org/.
UDIN can be generated by a practicing CA by registering his documents/ certificates attested by him either in individual capacity or as a partner on UDIN Portal for verification.
At present, this facility is recommendatory. But ICAI is going to make the same compulsory from 1st Feb, 2019, so as to curb the menace of fake or forged documents.
UDIN can be generated in the specific area of certificate, GST, Banks, Companies Act, Income-tax Act, Finance and capital market, Public finance and government accounting, etc.
Presently UDIN is generating of 17 Digits which comprises of the following:
1 st Six Digit is Membership No.
2 nd Six Digit is Date (DDMMYY)
3 rd Five Digit is System Generated document serial number
But ICAI is working to generate UDIN of 18 Digits
To register at UDIN portal, please take the following steps:
Step 1: Enter the homepage https://udin.icai.org
Step 2: Click button “For first time sign up, click here”
Step 3: Enter your six-digit Membership No., Date of Birth and Date of enrolment, and click the “Send OTP”. An OTP will be sent to you at the mobile and email, as registered with the ICAI.
Step 4: Enter OTP received and click “Continue”, you will receive username and system generated password at the mobile and email, as registered with the ICAI.

Go to the link https://udin.icai.org/?mode=login and enter your Membership No, Password and click “Login”
The password generated is encrypted to ensure its appropriate safety. However for future and to remember your password, Members are advised to change the password at 1st time login. “Change Password” menu can be used to change the password.

To generate a UDIN, click “Generate UDIN” and Enter details such as,
- Firm Registration Number (FRN) which is Optional if Certificate is issued by Firm.
- Client Name/Reference Code/Number
- Document Issued under which we have already discussed in para 5.
- Document Description
- Date of Document
- Keywords/Values (Minimum 3 and Maximum 5) with in the document which are found in the document or certificate generated. Key values can be any financial figure extracted from the attested statement or certificate such as Turnover Net profit, Utilization amount, Import amount, Export amount, Duty refund, Refund, Net worth, Revenue, Input tax credit, Loan amount, Total Assets, Net owned funds, Profitability, Capital To Risk Asset Ratio (CRAR), Statutory Liquidity Ratio, Gross fixed assets, Net loss, Misc. expenditure, Total capital investment, Sanction amount, Other (please specify any key words), etc.
- Click the button “Send OTP”. An OTP will be sent to you at the mobile and email, as registered with the ICAI.
- Enter OTP received and click the button “Preview”. You will see the details you have entered for generating the UDIN.
- If there is any change in the content, you should click the button “Back” or else click the button “Submit”.
- A UDIN will be generated and you can use that UDIN on the document for which it has been generated.
UDIN that have been generated would be displayed as watermarked on document(s) else the UDIN can be mentioned on the document(s).
If Members want to search/print any UDIN already issued “List UDIN” menu can be used to search/print the UDIN.
After generating a UDIN, No change is possible in the data already registered by a Chartered Accountant in the online system. Therefore, members are requested to thoroughly check the details in preview option before submission of their application. Information filled in can be edited/ modified any number of times before the submission. But once it is submitted, it cannot be edited.
The UDIN once generated can be withdrawn/cancelled/revoked with narration. So that if any user search for this UDIN, appropriate narration indicated by Member with the date of revoke will be displayed for reference.