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How to generate E-way bill through SMS

Generation of E-way bill through SMS for sender

Going online portal of GST is not the only option for creation of the e-way bill. Anyone can generate the e-way bill through SMS. The government have provided the people, to use their mobile phones to generate the e-way bill. You only have send a message/sms via your mobile. Lets find out the procedure for generating e-way bill through SMS.

A specified format is there to send the information through sms. The format is as follow:

EWBG TranType RecGSTIN DelPinCode InvNo InvDate TotalValue HSNCode ApprDist Vehicle 

There is a compulsory space between the given parameters for distinguish the two parameters. Parameters are explains as follows:

EWBG         – e-Way Bill Generate Key Word – It is fixed for generation
TranType     – Transaction Type – Refer to the Code list
RecGSTIN   – Recipient’s GSTIN. If it not there, then URP for ‘UnRegistered Person’
DelPinCode – PIN Code of Place of Delivery of Goods
InvNo           – Invoice or Bill Number of the document of supplier of goods
InvDate        – Invoice or Bill Date of the document of supplier of goods
TotalValue    – Total Value of goods as per Invoice/Bill document in Rs.
HSNCode    – HSN Code of the first Commodity
ApprDist      – Approximate distance in KMs between consignor and consignee
Vehicle        – Vehicle Number in which the goods is being moved

Parameters description and codes







E-Way Bill Generate




Type of the Transaction.

Codes for Transaction Types

OSUP – Outward Supply,

OEXP – Outward Export,

OJOB – Outward Job Work,

OSCD – Outward SKD/CKD,

ORNK – Outward Recipient Not Known,

OFOU – Outward For Own Use,

OEOF – Outward Exhibitions & Fairs,

OLNS – Outward Line Sales,

OOTH – Outward Others

ISUP – Inward Supply,

IIMP – Inward Import,

ISCD – Inward SKD/CKD,

IJWR – Inward Job Work Returns,

ISLR – Inward Sales Returns,

IEOF – Inward Exhibitions & Fairs , IOTH – Inward Others



Recipient’s GSTIN, as provided by GST or URP if he/she is UnRegistered Person

15 digit GSTIN or URP





PIN Code of the Place of Delivery of the Goods as per Invoice

Fixed 6 digit




Invoice or Bill Number of the Document of the goods

15 digit alphanumeric with allowed special char /-





Invoice or Bill Date ofthe

Document of the goods

Date in DD/MM/YYYY format




Total Invoice / Bill Value of the Goods

15 numeric value with 2 decimal




HSN Code of the Goods

Atleat 2 digit of HSN Code




Approximate Distance in KMs






Vehicle Number which will carry the goods

AB12AB1234 or AB12A1234 or

AB121234 or ABC1234 Format



Example 1:

Message:  EWBG OSUP 29AABCX0892K1ZK 560012 546 10/09/2017 75000.00 1001 234 KA12AB1234

Send To :  97319 79899

Explanation :  This request is to generate the E-Way Bill for outward Supply of goods, with HSN 1001, to recipient with GSTIN 29AABCX0892K1ZK, carrying Invoice/Bill No 546 dtd: 10/09/2017 of value Rs 75000.00 to deliver at pin code 560012 through vehicle KA12AB1234 and distance of 234 KMs.

Reply Message:  Eway bill generated successfully. E-Way Bill No: 171000000144 and date is 12/09/2017

Example 2:

Message :  EWBG OEXP URP 560012 A1246 16/09/2017 59000.00 1001 120 MH01XY1233

SMS to :  97319 79899

Explanation :  This request is to generate the E-Way Bill for export of goods, with HSN 1001, to recipient with GSTIN URP (UnRegistered Person), carrying Invoice/Bill No A1246 dtd: 16/09/2017 of value Rs 59000.00 to deliver at pin code 560012 through MH01XY1233 distance of 120 KMs

Reply Message :  Eway bill generated successfully. E-Way Bill No: 181000000234 and date is 16/09/2017

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