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Excess Input Tax Credit claimed in 3B of F.Y. 2017-18 and not reversed in 3B of F.Y.2018-19 and effect have given through DRC-03 in GSTR-9 of Financial Year 2018-19.

Excess Input Tax Credit claimed in 3B of F.Y. 2017-18 and not reversed in 3B of F.Y.2018-19 and effect have given through DRC-03 in GSTR-9 of Financial Year 2018-19.

Herewith I giving with the example for your better understanding.


“A” Tax Payer purchased inward supply of goods worth Rs.1,00,000/- as per books. The rate of GST is @12% for the year 2017-18. He was filed GSTR-3B and mentioned inward supply of goods by mistake worth of Rs.1,10,000/- and claimed Input Tax credit of Rs.13,200/- only for the year 2017-18.

In the year of 2018-19, he was purchased inward supply of goods worth of Rs.1,50,000/- as per books and the GST rate is @12% as per books and he was filed GSTR-3 B and mentioned in GSTR-3B inward supply of goods worth of Rs.1,50,000/- and claimed an Input tax credit of Rs.18,000/- as per GSTR-3B. Now we have to prepare a statement for how much he has to show Input tax credit in GSTR-9 and the impact of GSTR-9C for the year 2018-19.

Ans: 2017-18 & 2018-19:

Year Table Description Amount in Rs.
2017-18   As per books of accounts eligible for ITC 12000-00
    As per GSTR-3B claimed ITC on inward supply 13,200-00


GSTR-9 17-18 presentation:

Table-6 Detailed of Input tax credit availed during the F.Y 13,200-00
Table -7 Details of Input Tax Credit Reversed and Ineligible ITC for the financial year NIL
Table-12 Reversal of Input Tax Credit availed during the previous financial year 1,200-00
Table-13 Input Tax Credit availed for the previous F.Y NIL


2018-19: Presentation:

Year Table Description Amount in Rs.
2018-19   As per books of accounts eligible for ITC 18,000-00
    As per GSTR-3B claimed ITC on inward supply 18,000-00


GSTR-9 of 2018-19.

Table-6 Details of Input Tax Credit availed during the Financial year 18,000-00
Table-7F Reversal of TRAN-1 credit 1,200-00
Table -8D Difference (A-(B+C) NIL
Table 8E Input Tax Credit available but not availed (out of D) NIL
Table-12 Reversal of Input Tax Credit availed during previous F.Y NIL
Table -13 Input Tax Credit availed for the previous F.Y 1,200-00


Total of 2 years: As per books: Rs.30,000-00

As per GSTR-3B+ Short Credit/Lapsed Credit= Rs.30,000-00

As per GSTR-9+ Short Credit / Lapse Credit=Rs.30,000-00

How to show the above Excess of Input Tax Credit Claimed for the F.Y 2017-18 in GSTR-9C for the F.Y 2018-19 and what is the impact on GSTR-9C of F.Y.2018-19.

Form GSTR-9C relevant Colum’s: 2018-19.

Table -12 A Input Tax Credit as per Audited Financial Statement for the State/Union Territory as per books of accounts of PAN Holder all over India 18000-00
Table-12B Input Tax Credit booked in earlier financial years claimed in the current financial year (-)1200-00
Table-12C  Input Tax Credit booked in the current financial year to be claimed in subsequent financial years Nil
Table-12D Input Tax Credit availed as per audited financial statements or books of account 6,000-00
Table-12E Input Tax Credit claimed in annual return GSTR-9 (2018-19) 6,000-00
Table-12F Un-reconciled Input Tax Credit i.e. Input tax credit booked in books but not claimed in GSTR-3B of F.Y.2018-19. NIL
Imp: Note: DRC 03 for Input Tax Credit reversal (With Interest applicable) 1,200-00


Optional reporting: If Input Tax Credit reversed and paid through DRC-03 not shown in 7H of GSTR-9 then there should be a difference of Rs.1,200-00 in Table 12E of GSTR-9C for which reason required to mention in 12F.

Dear Colleagues, I have provided Illustration-4 on Excess Input Tax Credit claimed in GSTR-3B for the F.Y.2017-18 and not reversed in GSTR-3B of F.Y 2018-19. The effect given through DRC-03 in GSTR-9 of F.Y.2018-19.

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Excess Input Tax Credit claimed in 3B of F.Y. 2017-18 and not reversed in 3B of F.Y.2018-19 and effect have given through DRC-03 in GSTR-9 of Financial Year 2018-19.

Profile photo of B S Seethapathi Rao B S Seethapathi Rao

East Godavari, India

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