How to file GSTR 9A online
How to file GSTR 9A online:
GSTR 9A is required to be filed by a composition dealer. This is an annual return. It is more simplified to reduce the burden on composition dealers. Here is the process to file GSTR 9A online. This is only an indicative guide. These facilities are not yet live on GSTN portal. Last ate to file these returns is 31st Dec.
– Online
– Offline (Excel)
Facilities to file GSTR 9A:
➢ Based on GSTR-4 filed during the year, facility to download system computed GSTR-9A as PDF format will be available
➢ Based on GSTR-4 filed, consolidated summary of GSTR-4 will be made available as PDF download.
➢ In each table of GSTR-9A, values will be auto-populated to the extent possible based on GSTR-4 of the year. All the values will be editable with some exceptions.
➢ ‘Nil’ return can be filed through single click.
How to file GSTR-9A through Offline utility
➢Offline tool to be downloaded from the portal
➢Auto-populated GSTR-9A (System computed json) to be downloaded from the
portal before filling up values.
➢Values will be editable with few exceptions.
➢After filling up the values, json file to be generated and saved.
➢After logging on the portal, the json file to be uploaded.
➢File will be processed and error, if any will be shown.
➢Error file to be downloaded from the portal and opened in the Excel tool. ➢After making corrections, file will again be uploaded on the portal.
➢Except late fee, if any, no payment is to be made with annual return.
➢After filing, return can be downloaded as pdf and/or Excel.
➢Revision facility is not there, therefore, return should be filed after reconciling the information provided in the return and in the books.
➢Payment can be made on voluntary basis through GST DRC-03, if required.
Source: CBIC

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