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Summary of CGST bill passed in parliament

CGST Bill passed in parliament: Salient features

CGST bill passed in parliament on 29th March 2017. It contains XXI chapters,174 sections and Three schedules.

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Chapter wise details of CGST bill

Chapter in CGST bill

Sections covered


Chapter I

Section 1&2


Chapter II

Section 3 to 6


Chapter III

Section 7 to 11

Levy and collection of tax

Chapter IV

Section 12 to 15

Time and value of supply

Chapter V

Section 16 to 21

Input tax credit

Chapter VI

Section 22 to 30


Chapter VII

Section 31 to 34

Tax invoice , debit and credit notes

Chapter VIII

Section 35 and 36

Account and records

Chapter IX

Section 37 to 48


Chapter X

Section 49 to 53

Payment of taxes

Chapter XI

Section 54 to 58


Chapter XII

Section 59 to 64


Chapter XIII

Section 65 and 66


Chapter XIV

Section 67 to 72

Inspection, search, seizure and arrest

Chapter XV

Section 73 to 84

Demands and recovery

Chapter XVI

Section 85 to 94

Liability to pay in certain cases

Chapter  XVII

Section 95 to 106

Advance ruling

Chapter XVIII

Sections 107 to 121

Appeals and revision

Chapter XIX

Section 122 to 138

Offences and penalties

Chapter XX

Section 139 to 142

Transitional provisions

Chapter XXI

Section 143 to 174

Misc including job work


Schedules in CGST bill:

There are three schedules in CGST bill:

ScheduleI : Supply without consideration

ScheduleII: Activities to be treated as supply of Goods or supply of services.

ScheduleIII: Activities or transactions which shall be treated neither as supply of Goods nor services. We can say these supplies will out of the scope of GST.

Earlier there were five schedules. Schedule IV and V are removed and their provisions are shifted to the relevant sections.

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