IGST refund inspite of duty drawback on higher rate
Introduction: IGST refund inspite of duty drawback on higher rate
Happy to Share for the benefit of all, that today in the matter of Petitioner is M/s Precot Meridien Limited. , I argued before *Madurai Bench of Madras Highcourt *, an issue relating to IGST refund being refused by the department because of claim of Higher duty drawback.
Court got convinced and directed the revenue to issue refund within 6 weeks. Court pronounced if processing of refund is not possible through system then process the same manually._*
Matter decided in favour of the petitioner and order pronounced. Copy of Order:
M/s Precot Meridien Limited decided in favour of applicant argued by Adv Avinash Poddar
You can download this judgement from the following link.

Ahemdabad, India
Avinash Poddar, currently practicing as a lawyer, as a Law Graduate, a fellow member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Certified Financial Planner, Microsoft Certified Professional and DISA (Diploma in Information Systems Audit) from ICAI. He has also completed various certificate courses of ICAI such as Arbitration, Forensic Accounting and Fraud Detection, Valuation, IFRS, Indirect Taxes. He has also completed post-graduate diploma is Cyber Crime (PGCCL).