what is Article 14 of constitution of India?
Right to equality: Article 14 of constitution of India
Article 14 of constitution of India provides for the right of equality. It’s exact wordings are:
“14. The State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India.”
It has two main parts:
- No person shall be denied equality
- Every person hall has the equal protection of the law.
There are some principals to apply this article. The latest example of it’s application is Citizenship Amendment Act. It has amended the Citizenship Act 1955. The equality under this article shall be applied with the following principals.
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- Reasonable classification: It is also called intelligible differentia. It means that while making a law there shall be a reasonable base to classify a group. Like provisions made for males can differ from the female. Like question paper of a student of law will cover a different syllabus from a student of Biology.
- Arbitrariness shall not be there: While making this differentiation arbitrariness shall not be there. The differentiation and provision made shall complement each other. Like if I find females getting tired of traveling for long hours, we can provide them seats. We can’t ban them from traveling. There shall be a solution to the problem on the basis of that classification.
Hope this brief write up is useful to understand the article 14.

Faridabad, India
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