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Launch of Tax Treaty Negotiations Toolkit by Platform for Collaboration for Tax (PCT): ICAI

International Taxation Update – March/2021/ 4

Launch of Tax Treaty Negotiations Toolkit by Platform for Collaboration for Tax (PCT)


Information published above is taken from publicly available sources and believed to be accurate. This Update is based on the said publicly available sources. The Committee on International Taxation of ICAI (CITAX) takes no responsibility of accuracy and reliability of said information.


The International Tax Update is an endeavour of the CITAX to apprise the readers about the developments taking place in the area. Feedback on the update may be emailed at can also write to Secretariat, Committee on International Taxation The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, ICAI Bhawan A-29, Sector -62, NOIDA (U.P.)-201309, India.

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Launch of Tax Treaty Negotiations Toolkit by Platform for Collaboration for Tax (PCT): ICAI

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