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How to generate new business at lock down period?


Lockdown period is hurting us but as well as providing us huge opportunities too. Businesses are losing business. We will have to accept that we are also going to lose a major chunk of our work. But then how we can best utilize this time to build a strong foundation for the future.You can rock into new areas and generate new business at lock down.

Increase your followership:

You can utilize this time to increase the number of people who follow you as a professional. Stick to your core. We all get occupied in routine tasks and start losing the focus on increasing our knowledge and skills. We tend to get clientele for what we can do. At this time we can expand into core expertise and change our face from a normal professional to an expert of a particular niche. many people are losing their patience. You need to hold on at this time. it is not a time to get bored all the time and stick to social media and spend hours.

Join some new courses during the lockdown

You are out from that rat race of going to the office. Now you have free time. We all are fed up with a lot of stuff into our brains. Now we need to unlearn and make some space in mind. Heal it for some time and fill it with fresh energy and expertise. Join some courses.  I will say that there are thousands of webinars around. But instead of taking random webinar sessions, it is better to go for a course. It will give you a systematic piece of knowledge and not just some random pieces of information. It will also give a feeling of accomplishment once you finish it. Also where the recording is also available at a proper dashboard you can go again and strengthen your concept and firm what you have learned.

Create some good resources:

Now it is important to create some really nice resources and float them. This will make you entry into that new level of expert people. You will get some nice feedback and this will start a process of continuous knowledge. Now you will be able to cater to a new class of customers. Send your proposals to all your customers. But don’t stop sending them useful resources you have created. You can share your resources with us to get published and get more followership for you. Pls mail us at

See there you are:

Once the lockdown is over. You will find a better professional ready to rock the new arena. You are not bored out because you used your lockdown period. You are a better professional because you are near to your core.


You can join any of our courses. There are many free courses also. Webinars are almost free. Have a look into it.

generate new business at lock down

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Faridabad, India

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