Non-refundable advance to EPF members in the event of the outbreak of epidemic or pandemic
All Addl CPFCs in charge of Zones
All RPFCs in charge of Regional Offices
All OICs in charge of District Offices
Sub: Forwarding of notification GSR.225(E) dated 27.03.2020 inserting Sub-Para (3) under Para 68L of the EPF Scheme, 1952 to provide for non-refundable advance to EPF members in the event of the outbreak of epidemic or pandemic
Please find enclosed Ministry of Labour, Govt of India Notification GSR 225 (E) dated 27.03.2020 as published in the Gazette of India (Extraordinary) Part II- Section 3-sub section (1) on 28.03.2020 for information and necessary action.
The notification amends the EPF Scheme, 1952 by inserting Sub-Para (3) under Para 68L of the EPF Scheme, 1952 to provide for non-refundable advance to EPF members not exceeding the basic wages and dearness allowances for three months or up to 75% of the amount standing to member’s credit in the EPF account in the event of the outbreak of epidemic or pandemic.
Please note that the COVID-19 has been declared a Pandemic by appropriate Government for the entire country and therefore the employees working in establishments and factories across entire India, who are members of the EPF Scheme, 1952, are eligible for the benefits of non-refundable advance under the sub-para (3) of Para 68L which has come into the force from today (28.03.2020).
Please circulate among the staff and officers to educate them of the above provision so that the claims of EPF members preferred under sub-para (3) of Para 68L of the EPF The scheme, 1952 are processed promptly and relief reaches the worker and his family to help them fight with COVID-19.
The IS Division shall ensure all technical and software preparedness for the smooth processing of claims.
(This issues with the approval of the Central Provident Fund Commissioner)
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