Overview of Customs Bonded Warehouse
Content Slide
- Overview of the Scheme – What is Bonded Warehouse Scheme – Who can apply for this Scheme – How the scheme works Benefits of this scheme
- Comparison with existing schemes
- Application for the scheme
- Key Points of Consideration
- Case studies explaining the BENEFITS
- USE-CASE for Various Business Models
- Implementation of MOOWR & FAQ
- Let’s Interact!
What is Bonded warehouse scheme?
Section 57 – Public Warehouse
- A site or building that is licensed as such by the Principal Commissioner or Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, under Section 57, wherein dutiable goods may be deposited.
- Includes licensing of public warehouse to an undertaking of Central / State government or Union Territory or Ports notified under Major Ports Trust Act.
Section 58 – Private Warehouse
A site or building that is licensed as such by the Principal Commissioner or Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, under Section 58, wherein dutiable goods imported by or on behalf of the licensee may be deposited.
Section 65 – Bonded Manufactures Warehouse
Section 65 of the Customs Act, 1962 (‘the Act’) provides that the owner of any warehoused goods may carry on any manufacturing process or other operations in the warehouse in relation to such goods with the permission of Specified officers.
- Customs bonded warehousing scheme was launched in May 2016 under Section 65 of the Customs Act, 1962.
- CBIC revamped the Scheme vide Notification 69 / 2019 – Customs (NT) dated October 01, 2019, read with circular 34 / 2019 Customs.
- It is further amended by notification 76/2020 Customs.
- CBIC has collaborated with ‘Invest India for the promotion of the Scheme and the facilitation of investors.
- Notification 67/2019 listed down MOOWR,2019 Regulations which provides about Modus-Operandi of the scheme.
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Chennai, India
He is a qualified Chartered Accountant. He has experience in handling Indirect tax matters focusing on GST, SEZ, and Foreign trade policies, Refunds, Audit assignments, and consultancy. He has advised clients in setting up of SEZ units and providing assistance in obtaining various FTP-related schemes. He also has a handful experience of working in the management consulting industry.