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All QuestionsCategory: GST CompliancesAdjustment of RCM deposited in One product and set off against other sold by the same dealer
Profile photo of Sanjiv Kumar GoelSanjiv Kumar Goel asked 5 years ago

Adjustment of RCM deposited in One product and set off against other sold by the same dealer

Adjustment of RCM deposited in One product and set off against other soldĀ 

Can RCM deposited on the freight of Petrol and Diesel purchased by the dealer be adjusted against GST payable on the sale of cement by the same dealer i.e. GSTIN is same

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2 Answers
Profile photo of Sandip AgarwalCA Sandip Agarwal answered 5 years ago

RCM needs to be paid in cash . It does not matter whether we purchase goods on forward charge basis from the same dealer

Profile photo of Sanjeev Kumar GoelSanjeev Kumar Goel answered 5 years ago

RCM is paid in cash and after that RCM becomes input and then it can be adjusted against the out put liability.