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All QuestionsCategory: GSTRERROR FOR GSTR-9 FY 2018-19 WHEN GSTR 9 OF PY not filed
Profile photo of R AnutamR Anutam asked 5 years ago

ERROR FOR GSTR-9 FY 2018-19 WHEN GSTR 9 OF PY not filed

Hi. Turnover for FY 2017-18 was less than Rs. 2 Cr and GSTR 9 was not filed. Now in FY 2018-19, the turnover is more than Rs. 2 Cr. When trying to file GSTR 9 for FY 2018-19, an error is showing stating “GSTR9 of the previous year is not filed”. Pl, provide a solution for this.

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3 Answers
Profile photo of CA Arihant JainCA Arihant Jain answered 5 years ago


Profile photo of ConsultEase AdministratorConsultEase Administrator answered 5 years ago

Pls wait for some days. Annual return for the current year is not open yet. Soon it will start working. All anomalies will be removed.

Profile photo of Nikhil S BohraCA Nikhil S Bohra answered 5 years ago

Audit limit for the year FY 18-19 has been increased to Rs 5Cr now.
Even then if you are required to file GSTR 9 then you may wait for some time and let the utility become operational