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All QuestionsCategory: GST CompliancesExporters ITC claim through RFD-01 Application
Profile photo of Jayant PJayant P asked 7 years ago

Exporters ITC claim through RFD-01 Application

Exporters ITC claim through RFD-01 Application

Hello Shaifaly ..
We have no domestic business but only exports. We had intrastate purchase in July. Same product was exported in July under Bond. Shipping Bill date is of July too. But Airway Bill date was of 1st August. Now while filing form RFD-01 online for July, we can claim ITC refund on purchase of goods & courier charges paid to domestic transporter. But How to claim refund of other services Bills of Customs House Agent, Airline company, marine Insurance certificate charges, Bank charges invoices, Office telephone charges, Tax consultant charges, Chamber of commerce charges, etc in month of August (where in August, there are no sales). Can we claim all these service bills under RFD-01? We only have acrrued ITC in Electronic Credit ledger. Do you have guidance video made only for exports of goods?

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2 Answers
Profile photo of CA Shafaly GirdharwalCA Shafaly Girdharwal answered 7 years ago

You can claim the ITC of the inputs and input services which there is not export the refund will not be available.

Profile photo of Jayant PJayant P answered 7 years ago

Thank you for prompt reply. But all above mentioned expenses are incurred towards export of goods and in the process of furthering export business where 18% GST is charged by suppliers of goods and services. Export took place in July and service bills are issued in August related to July export shipment.
Can we make RFD-01 application for August with Bills of both July and August months?