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All QuestionsCategory: GST CompliancesGST Tax Rate for ecommerce operator for those not collect payment/TCS
Naresh Yadav asked 8 years ago

GST Tax Rate for ecommerce operator for those not collect payment/TCS

I am ecommerce operator of online scrap auction
We are providing service to conduct online auction all type of scrap for sellers/vendors through our portal/website, and get commission/service charge from seller and also collect amount/membership fees/participation fee from participants/purchasers/buyer 1-year membership for participation in auction. All seller and buyer registered in gst and have GSTIN No.  
Please give me 4 question answer given below

  1. What is gst tax rate for me 18% or 28%
  2. Our Recipients of service get full ITC (input tax credit)
  3. Are we collecting same gst tax rate from sellers/vendors and buyers/participants?
  4. we register our company in gst as Auction Service (auctioneer service provider). Are we required to register our company other than auction services in gst.


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