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All QuestionsCategory: GST CompliancesGSTR 1 Amendment for GSTN
Profile photo of Advocate Rahul Dinesh RathiAdvocate Rahul Dinesh Rathi asked 4 years ago

GSTR 1 Amendment for GSTN

One of the Client’s offices staff has wrongly mentioned the GST no in the books and the same was filed by me in the GSTR1 of period 17-18, now the client comes to know for the same after the period of March 2019. now the purchasing party has Forfeited his retention amount, in such a case what are the ways so that we can correct the error as it is a clerical human error and there is no loss of revenue to the government?

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1 Answers
Profile photo of Nikhil GuptaCA Nikhil Gupta answered 4 years ago

Sir, the ITC has already been passed to another dealer by mentioning wrong GSTIN. So there is definitely a loss to the Revenue in this case.
