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All QuestionsCategory: GST ConsultancyGSTR 9: Annual return of GST Mismatch
Profile photo of ANISHUL HAQUE GODILANISHUL HAQUE GODIL asked 5 years ago

GSTR 9: Annual return of GST Mismatch

I have Filed my GSTR 1 Correctly, but There is a mismatch in outward supply of GSTR1 & GSTR3B GST payable amount Means Mismatch in CGST SGST & IGST, exp. GSTR 3B GST PAYABLE 50000 IGST 5000 CGST 5000 SGST, & GSTR1 30000 IGST,  15000-CGST 15000 SGST but the payable amount is a match but mistakes in filling GSTR 3b. Now My Question is How to I describe in GSTR-9 Table 14. can I have to change or not. 

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