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All QuestionsCategory: GST ConsultancyHow to Make Export Invoice With IGST Payment
Profile photo of Pankaj Kumar SinghPankaj Kumar Singh asked 7 years ago

How to Make Export Invoice With IGST Payment

Dear Mam,

I am an exporter and Exporting goods to Nepal and raising the invoice in Indian Currency. till now I was not charging the IGST on the invoice because I was making supply under LUT/Bond, But Now I have decided to Export the goods with payment of IGST and our buyer is not ready to pay the GST.

Please suggest the Invoice format for Export of Goods in Which GST can be shown but do not affect the taxable value of Invoice.

And request you to please suggest the accounting Treatment as well.

value of Goods:  5000/-
IGST @ 18%: 900
Gross Value:  5000/- (Should be shown in Invoice)

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