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All QuestionsCategory: GST ConsultancyInput Tax Credit
Profile photo of umesh hegdeumesh hegde asked 7 years ago

Input Tax Credit

I am a registered person. I supply the goods to another registered person and I received some other goods from that person. In that case, is it compulsory that payment should be made separately? or can I adjust the payment against received goods?

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1 Answers
Profile photo of Neeraj Kumar RohilaNeeraj Kumar Rohila answered 7 years ago

You can adjust the amount. But the returns should be filed with the full amounts. Also, the Invoice amount should be the same(Before such adjustments).
For Example – A and B, Both trade with each other. B purchase from A goods worth 100 rupees and A purchase from B goods worth 60 rupees. The invoice amounts will remain, 100 and 60, will also be entered as it is in the returns. But payment can be made by B to A of 40 rupees.