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All QuestionsCategory: Income Tax ConsultancyTDS return towards payment to Non-Resident
Profile photo of SUNNY WADHWASUNNY WADHWA asked 7 years ago

TDS return towards payment to Non-Resident

I have filed a TDS return (27Q)  for the quarter ended March on 28/05/2018.

Yesterday, I received communication from Traces for Pan errors

depicting Invalid PAN

TDS return was filed towards single payment to single Non-Resident

The tax was deducted @ 20% and I have no PAN 

Please advise where has been a mistake and how to correct it

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1 Answers
Profile photo of GauravGaurav answered 7 years ago

First go to the site of TRACES and make the request of “justification file” then after determine from it what was the reason of error then file a revised return of TDS through Conso file