Removal of Directors Disqualification scheme
Removal of Directors Disqualification scheme
Procedures for Removal of Directors Disqualification
*(A) Defaulting Company is Active and Directors are disqualified
*(B) Defaulting Company is struck off and Directors are disqualified
Key Notes:-
DIN of directors associated with the defaulting companies:
- That have not filled there overdue documents and e-Cods 2018 and
- Overdue documents filled which are not taken on record on the MCA -21 registry and are thereby still found to be disqualify on the conclusion of the scheme in terms of section 164 (2)(a) r/w 167(1)(a) of the companies ACT 2013 shall be liable to be deactivated again on the expiry of the scheme period.
- All SRN entered in the E-form shall be valid and approved and shall be
associated with the CIN further the same should not be marked as defective. - System shall not allowed the filling of form e-cods 2018 in case another e-cods
2018 is filled and pending for payment of fees. - Fee for e-cods 2018 Rs 30k.
- After filling overdue documents they are required to seek condonation of delay by filling form e-CODS 2018.
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Jaipur, India