Schools can collect the full fees: P&H High Court
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Schools can collect the full fees
In a recent verdict, The Punjab & Haryana High court allowed the schools to collect the full fee. In their verdict, the P&H high court said that Schools can collect the full fees even if there are no classes. Some schools are conducting online classes. But the court allowed the full fees even if there are no online classes. This is bad news for the guardians. But Schools also raised their points. This is the case of Independent Schools’ Association Chandigarh Versus State of Punjab and others.
Schools shall not increase the fees in Next year:
It is instructed to the schools not to increase the fees next year. They should keep it at the same level. But fees of the current year can be charged at the price fixed earlier. It is also directed that schools shall restraint their fees to the actual expenses. Heads where no actual expenses are incurred, cant be recovered from guardians.
What if a parent can’t afford the Fees?
The court also directed that is a parent can’t afford the fees. They can give an application. The school shall consider various scenarios. If it deems fit, Fees can be waived off at one to one basis. In case of no relief from school, A writ can be filed in the Court.

Faridabad, India
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