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Maximize Your Social Media Strategy With Social Listening Tools

In today’s time, the young audience expresses itself through different social media platforms. Millennials and Gen Z are not afraid to share their experiences after using a product/service. They usually express themselves in comments, conversations, and other social networks.

The opinions of the customers count if you are a brand owner or marketer. Every customer’s opinion is important when you are running an online business. So, consider their experiences, feedback, and complaints when developing social media strategies.

Social media is the best place to get unbiased and honest feedback from end users. You can improve your offerings by leveraging customer insights.

For example, a brand that sells women’s undergarments must analyze its customers’ opinions. It must track feedback about the looks, comfort, and pricing of its products. Their opinions can be of great help when creating posts and campaigns on social media.

Highlight the improved product features and benefits through your social media posts and campaigns. Impress the customers by addressing their problems through your social media posts. It will make them feel special, and they will feel related to your brand.

Why Use Social Listening Tools to Optimize Social Media Strategies?

Social listening helps you gather customer insights. It also helps you observe customer interactions and take necessary action. Social media listening tools are available on various online platforms.

These tools can track conversations based on hashtags, mentions, keywords, and topics. Based on these conversations, you can gain insights about your customers.

Customer sentiments play an important role in positioning a brand. When crafting a brand or marketing strategy, social listening can help in the following ways:

  • Identifying the current and emerging trends in the market.
  • Aligning your social media strategies with relevant industry trends and evolving customer needs.
  • Tailoring content to your customers’ expectations.
  • Providing users with relevant brand messages and meaningful content. It distinguishes you as a thought leader in your respective industry or sector.

Through social listening, you can achieve the following things:

1. Get More Details about Your Audience

Understand the target audience before developing a marketing plan. Identifying and relating to the audience will allow you to solve their problems.

It’s much easier to know your audience if you track what they are saying. Track your customers’ conversations using popular social media listening tools. Observe the conversations and verify if your audience is thinking good or bad about your brand.

You can determine the underlying audience sentiments using social listening tools. These tools track conversations on various social networks.

2. Find the Influencers of Your Niche

Developing a clear understanding of your target audience. It will help you vet the popular influencers on social media.

Identify the celebrities who have the most influence on your target audience. Working with them will help you redefine your brand’s perception.

Influencer marketing is a powerful medium to promote your brand’s image and offerings. With new marketing avenues like it, you can break free from traditional social media strategies. It also provides you with a new avenue to connect with your audience and promote your offerings.

Categorize social media influencers based on their fans, traffic, and followers. Bloggers, celebrities, athletes, and individuals with large followings are influencers. Choose the right influencers according to your marketing goals.

3. Upgrades Your Social Media Strategies

Social listening is not a uni-directional process. It is a continuous effort to study the data obtained from various social media channels. Collect the data through social media listening tools. Then, use them to upgrade your current and future marketing campaigns.

With social media listening tools, you can track customer conversations in real time. Through these conversations, you can respond to customer queries and complaints without wasting any time.

An immediate response to customers makes them feel wanted. It encourages conversation and increases customer engagement.

Your customers feel a sense of trust and loyalty toward your brand. It also improves the perception of your brand by creating a positive brand image.

4. Lets You Analyze Your Competitors

Study data gathered from competitors’ websites. It will help develop a sophisticated marketing strategy.

Create better marketing plans by testing and optimizing your competitors’ marketing strategies. You can outperform your competitors and rank higher in the market.

5. Helps You Set Your Business Goals

Before you use social listening tools, develop a clear understanding of what you want to do with them. Succeeding in marketing is only possible with a clear plan. This rule applies to social listening as well.

Most brands use social listening for these purposes:

  • Boosting SEO
  • Conducting detailed market research
  • Acquiring customers and offering customer services
  • Generating new business opportunities and leads

Use social listening to attain any of these business goals. Or else, you may even set your own goals and purposes for using social media listening tools.

Focus on one goal at a time. Including too many goals in your marketing plan can be overwhelming. It can confuse you and stop you from creating and implementing marketing ideas.

6. Facilitates Crisis Management

Many brands use social listening for crisis management. Tracking customer conversations helps them predict a future crisis event.

The brands track the conversations that can lead to a crisis. It allows them to take appropriate actions to prevent a crisis. Crisis management helps brands maintain their image and reputation in the market.

Suppose that your marketer identifies a series of negative tweets about your brand. With social listening tools, you can track these negative comments and conversions. It will also allow you to identify factors that are contributing to these sentiments.

7. Reveal Business Opportunities

Analyzing customer conversations can reveal new business avenues and opportunities. The data obtained via social media can reveal several pain points for customers.

Leverage these pain points and develop new marketing strategies. Discuss some of the pain points of your target audience in your marketing campaigns. By monitoring customer conversations, you can gain an edge over your competitors.

8. Track Valuable Customer Insights At A Lesser Cost

To develop a comprehensive marketing strategy, you will need a marketing analyst. A market analyst keeps a close eye on your competitors. He also identifies new business opportunities and potential risks in the market.

Market analysts can provide details on your brand perception and product awareness. They conduct thorough market research to capture data. This can be a time-consuming

and expensive process.

Market analysts use customer insights to revise your social media content and messaging. Craft a new brand message and content to fix the negative sentiments among your audience.

Use social listening tools to get real-time and unbiased feedback from the users. It will provide you with valuable customer insights. These insights help you create extensive marketing strategies.

How to Use Social Listening Tools?

Follow these steps to incorporate social listening tools into your social media strategies:

1. Define Your Objectives

There are several social listening platforms and tools. These tools usually perform one or many of the following tasks:

  • Track industry trends
  • Collect customer insights
  • Track brand mentions
  • Handle online reputation

Define your social media marketing objectives. It will help you choose the right social listening tools.

2. Consider the Capabilities, Features, and budget

Each social listening platform offers unique capabilities and features. They rely on different data sources and offer analytical tools as well.

Comparing them as per their features and pricing will provide a clear picture. It will allow you to choose the right social listening tools for your social media strategy.

Konnect Insights offers a wide range of social listening tools that help you analyze the feedback and sentiments of your audience.

With the latest features of this platform, you can:

  • Analyze conversations
  • Publishing content
  • Conduct surveys
  • Improve customer relationships

This platform offers BI tools, social CRM, and crisis management features. These tools allow you to tap into customer sentiments and also help position your brand among your competitors.

The smooth and intuitive interface of this platform can help you streamline your social media strategy.

3. Find Relevant Topics and Keywords

Use industry-specific hashtags, topics, and keywords to track customer conversations. Identify the product names, brand names, and terms that are specific to your industry. It will help you determine the right keywords and topics for your social listening tools.

4. Set Up Search Queries

Most social listening tools require you to set up a search query to search the conversations. Create search queries with keywords and topics.

The search query fetches the mentions through blogs, news sites, and forums. It scans social media outlets and communities as well. All these scans and searches track relevant keywords, brand mentions, and tags.

You can also use filters to refine and enhance the results fetched via the search queries. With time, you can refine the search queries and get results of better quality.

5. Analyze Data

The social listening tools will start fetching the data once you set up the search queries. Analyze the data to identify emerging trends, customer insights, sentiments, and feedback.

It also reveals details of trending topics, influencers, and customer buying behavior. Focus on the concerns of your customers. Also, find ways to address them through your social media strategies.

6. Engage with Customers

Once you analyze the data, you can create content to engage with the customers. Focus on resolving customer issues through thoughtful videos, blogs, and other content formats.

By improving customer engagement, you can improve your brand’s perception. It will also help you build long-lasting relationships with your customers.

Konnect Insights is a great customer experience management suite. It helps you understand what your customers are saying online. By monitoring and analyzing customer conversations, you can fine-tune your social media strategy.

This unified platform helps you manage customer experiences. Integrating it with over 3000 apps to use and handle customer data is possible!

7. Track the Performance of Your Strategies

After creating effective social media strategies using social listening tools, track them. Measure how your strategies have influenced your customers.

Get insights by monitoring the performance of your social media strategies. Then, use these insights to fine-tune your strategies in the future.

Use these insights to optimize your social media strategy. Track the insights to make your strategies relevant to the evolving market trends.


Keep upgrading your social media strategies as trends and industry-relevant topics evolve. And also, keep track of new social platforms and social communities.

Adapt search queries and strategies to the evolving social media space. It will help you capture relevant customer insights.

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Faridabad, India

As a Consultease Administrator, I'm responsible for the smooth administration of our portal. Reach out to me in case you need help.

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